By Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 inches Oil on Canvas
For the show in Jackson but it is available if you like it, contact me: Laurie
By Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 inches Oil on Canvas
For the show in Jackson but it is available if you like it, contact me: Laurie

Terry and I worked in our little mini garden until the mosquitoes threatened to pick us up and haul us away. He grilled sausages and hamburgers out on the grill last night and I prepared fresh Corn on the cob and potatoes to eat with it. We will have leftovers tonight. Makes it easier to cook once for two days. The heat outside is worse than the norm for Dallas right now. This is more like July.
Our lives are busy with helping my parents with things at their home coming up this week, along with painting and keeping up with life's responsibilities. One of my new prayer requests lately is for our home to be filled with Joy. Do you have JOY in your life right now? It starts with you.
Joy grows out of faith, grace, gratitude, hope and love. It is the pure and simple delight of being alive. Joy is a response we have to feelings of happiness, experiences of pleasure and acknowledgment of abundance. Joy is yours if you want it. You may have to refocus your thoughts to get there. Often tears will lead to joy once you wade through painful times.
What do you have in abundance in your life right now? Do you share it with others?
What is the last thing you experienced that was pleasure? If you will give what you have in abundance to others you will find pleasure. From that will come joy.
That is only one suggestion. Refocus your thoughts to those of gratitude for what is in your life right now. God is Good, all the time, God is Good.
"Pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart."-2 Timothy 2:22