RAIN is falling and the lightening is bright this morning. Poor Annie Dog, we gave her meds last night for the storm as it was predicted to hit around three this morning. As we got up at five, it was still not here and she is not drugged very well as it is hitting. Weather forecast was a bit off.
Meanwhile despite the rain, all is functioning here but my brain. I need to make more lists! I have quite a few commissions I will be working on today and tomorrow getting them started. I finished up the 24 x 48 of Azawakhs running on the beach. You will see it probably tomorrow in my blog. It is a very powerful painting.
I heard from Morgan and Hillary in Washington DC. They were with my friend Niki of Sunrise Tourette and they were doing karaoke. Wish I could have been there to hear my son sing. Today they will begin teaching the art classes we put together last weekend so my prayers are with them as the process begins.
So, as old as God is, do you think He makes lists in the clouds, swirling his fingers as he writes? That could be why we have such unusual cloud formations. We are made in His image, but I cannot even imagine that He deals with forgetfulness. No different than an attentive parent, He is aware of our every need. ALL of our needs. I do not believe He needs the list as Love flows so freely from Him to us. Today as you encounter issues please remember He is not making lists, He is there with you. "Power is made perfect in weakness". That is a spiritual promise for us. Having your heart and hands open to receive his power, his love and his strength, will allow you to be strong and to do what has to be done in this day. His grace is infinite.
“ ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.’ So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.” —2 Corinthians 12:9