Tree Landscape by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches of THICK palette knife pulls of color.
Tree Landscape by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches of THICK palette knife pulls of color.

April 17, 2008
Laurie Justus Pace
Excerpt from book THE ART OF LIFE to be released Fall 2008
At five o’clock you will find me under the blue tree.
We all have days that seem to never end, with events that make us
Question why we even got out of bed that day.
This is when you will find me listening to the birds as
I sit under the Blue Tree.
The Blue Tree is an older tree with heavy bark. You can
Close your eyes and feel the energy of its years.
My world becomes still. Slowly I regain my balance
Sitting under the Blue Tree.
My easel is calling me! I painted hard and heavy yesterday and want to hit it this morning.
I made the decision yesterday to use part of my writings along with my art work to publish a book which will be available this fall. I will note every painting used in the book by some type of verse under it, like the posting is today. That way if you buy the painting you will know it will be in the book!
Do you have those days you wonder why you bothered to get out of bed? If you are like me you battle bravely through the day counting the hours you can climb back in bed, sleep and try again tomorrow. At our home we have huge trees, pecans, oaks, dogwoods etc. I find in the evening I can go sit in my swing under the trees, close my eyes and listen to the symphony of birds surrounding me. My world begins to balance as I meditate giving glory to the Lord for the beauty surrounding me. His creation brings comfort to me and I know again how deep His love is for all of us.
Grace, Laurie
"Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed. By wisdom the Lord laid the earth's foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place." Proverbs 3:17-19
Gallery Representation:
Earth Works Art Gallery Penn Yan, New York
The Red Tree Gallery Atascadero, California
The Rare Gallery Jackson Hole, Wyoming
The Gillian Jones Gallery Ohio
The SR Gallery, Hong Kong
The Rain Bird Gallery of Blanco, Texas
Patina of Marble Falls, Texas