Geez I need to be painting. I have not held a paint brush in my hand in three days. I have nine canvas in various stages of completion beckoning me to work.
Yesterday I finished cleaning up the studio. My drafting board is clear and ready for me to work at, my easels are ready, the floors are clean, and the junk has been eliminated. YEAH!
Terry cleaned off the jackhammered patio and it is so nice now not to see destruction everywhere. Took about three hours of shoveling and distributing dirt and rock through out our little city lot! He has to work on the patio leveling now. Once he gets started he is a non stop worker until he completes the task. Seems as we get older both of us procrastinate a bit more than we use to. I picked up some huge purple plastic containers for his models. We are going to start clearing out the second bedroom now and getting the boxes out of there.
What are your attributes? Are you a "get the job done" person? Are you tender hearted? What would you say were God's attributes? The author Stormie Omartian lists 67 attributes for God. These are things we would admire in God, not things we worship. I am sure if we thought about it we could name all of these and possible more. We are created in His image and we all have bits and pieces of these same attributes. So today think about what you would list under God's name and what fits under your name. For example, God is Love, God is Peace, God is Wisdom, God is All Knowing, God is truthful, God is a creator, God is just, God is sinless, God is pure, etc. If I were listing it would read: I try to be good, I try to be truthful, I try to be peace....why do I have an issue with writing my own attributes? Each of us has things that we excel in and ways that we use in our lives to be a better person. Do not hesitate to recognize these attributes and know they are from the Father. Give thanks to Him for your uniqueness.
You are love; you are beauty; you are peace; you do have many wonderful attributes. Use them or lose them.
"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit..." Romans 14:17