Flower Art Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches
Thank you!

NOTE: Martha, the artist, that left the comment, please email me and give me your email address so we can visit!
The paint is thick on this one! Layers thick. Not sure where it came from, but it took me back to feeling like I was 10 years old as I painted it in freedom with out constraints.
Wednesday morning is here and the thought remains that I am still behind. I took two days off from painting and have some needed commissions to work on today. One is a horse but small, 11 x 14 size and one is an Azawakh. This is a Sighthound. I am eager to do both today!
On the house front, Terry has been sheet rocking to repair what was torn out for rewiring. Darla will be back today to do a dedicated line for my computer. Next week we will take on the box.
Do you believe in Miracles? I picked up a book from Barnes and Noble called "A Course in Miracles". (Wondering about this house...hummm) It has some interesting reading and through out my blogging I am sure it will seep through. How do you define a miracle? The first statement indicates that there is no order to the difficulty in miracles. No such thing as bigger or better, or easier or harder. They are all expressions of love at its maximum. As expressions of love it is evident they are from God and they are natural in occurrence. Reminds me in reverse of Sin; it does not come in order of "badness". A sin is a sin and it is not on a scale. You are or you are not, you do or you do not. You believe or you believe not.
I like one statement I read this morning, "Consciousness is the state that induces action, though it does not inspire it. You are free to believe what you choose, and what you do attests to what you believe."
Easily I translate that to my art. I can come to the canvas and consciously paint inducing action, but the inspiration may not be there. I have to get out of the way of the process for the painting to work or it is void of emotion. Look at your life today. As you move about your day working and accomplishing things, are your actions empty or full?
Stop and think about it, the inspiration can be there and attached to it there is emotion. A simple example are your hands. Examine those hands. Think of all the things they do in a day...those fingers fly over the keyboard on the computer. They grip the steering wheel of the car, they prepare food, they clean the house, they stroke the cheek of a child or a loved one; your fingers and hands are always busy. Take the rote movement out of it and think of the energy and love that flows from you through your hands. That my friend is the inspiration behind the motion. Can you identify your inspiration for what you are doing through out the day?
And lastly a reminder that actions speak louder than words. Remember from the statement above, "What you do attests to what you believe."
"You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples." Psalm 77:14
Flower Art Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches
Thank you!

NOTE: Martha, the artist, that left the comment, please email me and give me your email address so we can visit!
The paint is thick on this one! Layers thick. Not sure where it came from, but it took me back to feeling like I was 10 years old as I painted it in freedom with out constraints.
Wednesday morning is here and the thought remains that I am still behind. I took two days off from painting and have some needed commissions to work on today. One is a horse but small, 11 x 14 size and one is an Azawakh. This is a Sighthound. I am eager to do both today!
On the house front, Terry has been sheet rocking to repair what was torn out for rewiring. Darla will be back today to do a dedicated line for my computer. Next week we will take on the box.
Do you believe in Miracles? I picked up a book from Barnes and Noble called "A Course in Miracles". (Wondering about this house...hummm) It has some interesting reading and through out my blogging I am sure it will seep through. How do you define a miracle? The first statement indicates that there is no order to the difficulty in miracles. No such thing as bigger or better, or easier or harder. They are all expressions of love at its maximum. As expressions of love it is evident they are from God and they are natural in occurrence. Reminds me in reverse of Sin; it does not come in order of "badness". A sin is a sin and it is not on a scale. You are or you are not, you do or you do not. You believe or you believe not.
I like one statement I read this morning, "Consciousness is the state that induces action, though it does not inspire it. You are free to believe what you choose, and what you do attests to what you believe."
Easily I translate that to my art. I can come to the canvas and consciously paint inducing action, but the inspiration may not be there. I have to get out of the way of the process for the painting to work or it is void of emotion. Look at your life today. As you move about your day working and accomplishing things, are your actions empty or full?
Stop and think about it, the inspiration can be there and attached to it there is emotion. A simple example are your hands. Examine those hands. Think of all the things they do in a day...those fingers fly over the keyboard on the computer. They grip the steering wheel of the car, they prepare food, they clean the house, they stroke the cheek of a child or a loved one; your fingers and hands are always busy. Take the rote movement out of it and think of the energy and love that flows from you through your hands. That my friend is the inspiration behind the motion. Can you identify your inspiration for what you are doing through out the day?
And lastly a reminder that actions speak louder than words. Remember from the statement above, "What you do attests to what you believe."
"You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples." Psalm 77:14