I am up and have been up since three thirty. Heater was running with an unusual rattle. Morgan and Terry were up in the attic yesterday pulling up old barrier covering. This morning we will have the radiant barrier sprayed in and 18 inches of insulation laid down. We only have two inches right now. Something must have gotten knocked around in the removal leaving a rattle. I am actually sleepy enough to go back to bed now but the day dawns at five and I am going to spend the next hour cleaning the studio while Terry sleeps. QUIETLY!
It was a busy family weekend as will be the next six to eight weeks. Just keep our family in prayer right now.
As a child did you grow up with the Golden Rule. I hear harps playing when I type and think that! "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." When I interviewed with a panel of eight principals and an HR person for a school district, one of the questions was "What do you use as your discipline policy?" I sat for a full minute collecting my response. ( Yes, I got the job, and actually was offered three positions at three different schools.)
"I have truly never had a need for a discipline policy. In my classroom from the first day I plant the thought that the school room is their second home and we are family. ( Children spend more waking hours five days a week with a teacher than they do their family.) Family's always squabble with differences, but they are tied together by a common bond of love and respect. With the simple explanation of treating others as you would want others to treat you, we examine every "incident" and learn from it going forward. I always give the child respect for their feelings, room to explore, press limits, and contribute feeling worthy as a member of the family. " You know it was always such an experience for many of them as they realized and checked themselves as they interacted with each other.
You would think that would apply in the world today, in our country, communities and families. Sadly you often find hardened hearts that are bitter and cold to the world, to God and to change. Yesterday morning we heard on the news where a soldier is suing the Armed Forces for mistreatment due to his position of Atheist. He was bitter and determined to lash back with a lawsuit. I am not sure what is good for the court room and protecting his "American" rights, but in my heart this country was founded on religious freedom and most certainly in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence GOD was mentioned and woven into its being. I was born and raised in a family filled with light, love, positive reinforcement, family tied tightly into church and friends, and yet all three of us children have turned out totally different in our beliefs and adult actions in our lives. I questioned yesterday how this could be when both our parents, and especially our mother, shines in the light of the Lord and surrounds herself by His Peace. That light and peace was woven into the fabric of each of us, yet we are all different.
Despite the differences in people, communities or families, you would hope that the Golden Rule would still supersede bitterness and anger. It is such a simple thing to apply to your life. Treat others as you would like to be treated. If you are not a believer it should not matter, the application works. If you want to be respected, show and give respect. If you want to be love, show and give love. If you want to be treated kindly, show and give kindness. Positive energy begets more positive energy. Walk the walk.
“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!”- Philippians 2:5-8