Azawakh Sight Hound Dog Art Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 48 inches
SOLD. Commission Painting heading to the UK
Contact me for commission Work and Pricing. Laurie
Azawakh Sight Hound Dog Art Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 48 inches
SOLD. Commission Painting heading to the UK
Contact me for commission Work and Pricing. Laurie

This painting was unbelievable to paint. From the moment the photo arrived via the internet I was hooked. Nothing was going to get done in the studio until I painted these boys on the beach. I hope you enjoy the view and can feel the fun and play of these two gorgeous Azawakhs that live it the UK. (Azawakhs are sight hounds that originated in Mali.)
Short blog today as I am going to try and cram cleaning the house in before leaving this morning for the hair dresser. I worked in the studio until eight thirty last night. Terry was watching TV. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like not to have to be responsible for so much stuff. Here it was getting late and I still was facing: cleaning paintbrushes, cleaning Annie's eyes and giving her medicine, emptying the dryer and folding two loads of wash, finish putting up all the pots and pans that I washed earlier from preparing and cleaning up the kitchen from dinner (we had stuffed bell peppers and that took three huge pots), sweeping the floor in the kitchen and making Terry's lunch for today. He was watching an old western on TV. He was already showered and in his pjs.
I am not sure I was angry, but was disappointed to be handling it all alone. I know you have felt this way before. I have to JERK myself back into place and give thanks immediately that the Lord provides me with the ability to do what I have to do. Then the thought creeps in, "Look what happened to your mother." She pushed and did it all in her situation and carried the cross of the martyr and almost died. I stand by my thought do I keep the house or does the house keep me? Individually we bring on the responsibilities in our lives. No one else puts the burden on your shoulders but you. I know I have to change with in me. So be it. God will provide what is needed. He offers His love and protection to us all. Trusting in his divine love your life will have purpose and meaning. Be sustained by your faith and know He has laid it all before you. Are you gathering up more than you should in your life? I know I am. That is obvious. Things need to change. Meanwhile, if I do not clean our house, it will not get done! Off to dust, vacuum and scrub.
After all, didn't mother always say, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness."?
“I am going to send an angel in front of you, to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared.” —Exodus 23:20