Woke with bad dreams this morning. Dreamed I was in the kitchen pulling a large bag of frozen peaches out of the bottom freezer when having the bottom freezer drawer pulled open caused the refrigerator to tip over and crush down on me. Stacey was in the kitchen and Morgan was hovering about...but he was little, not full grown. Terry, my husband, was close by and I said "Morgan, go get Terry to get this off of me, hurry." and Stacey was pushing with all her might in her 5 ft frame body and it was not budging. She could not budge that huge refrigerator and Terry and Morgan didn't return. I woke gasping for breath and out of fear of not wanting to finish the dream. I told Terry about it and said I felt very stressed and overburdened with all I was responsible for. He said it made sense, Morgan is the youngest and we still tend to still help him out financially and he should be on his own by now, he is 27. Stacey is always close in emergencies to help me and Justin was not even in the dream. I hesitated wondering if Terry was following his own thoughts, as he didn't show up to help me either. He and Morgan never returned.
I have never in my life put creditability to dreams. I think they are often reflections of our emotions but have never looked to them to understand the future. As behind as I am still today, as I didn't paint yesterday, I am going to church with a friend today. We set it up last night. Later this afternoon I am making the Pork Loin Roast I didn't get made yesterday and will have my parents and my brother over to eat about the time Terry gets home. Family is good to have around and I am so thankful to be closer to mine right now. God will provide the moment and time for me to return to the easel.
God truly knows what is best for us. So even in this stressful time of remodeling, working and helping out family, I know it is part of His plan for me. I also know I need to take better care of myself. So I am sharing this word with all you moms, wives and women, stop and take care of you today. You are doing too much. Stop now and meditate with the Lord. God tells us He is there for us. He is our comforter, our teacher and our guide. He will give the strength and encouragement to us when we falter and forget He is there. We are His children and He continues to bless us.
“See, God is exalted in his power; who is a teacher like him?” —Job 36:22