RAIN RAIN RAIN...and then SNOW SNOW SNOW. Yesterday it was 75 degrees and beautiful for the past three days. Late last night the rain moved in and temps have plummeted to the low forties and still dropping. The storms woke us both about three this morning but we dosed back asleep under the warm blankets until almost nine this morning. What a blessing it was!
We are off to Whole Foods, Asel Art and back home to work. I have several commissions to finish up here. The painting I posted today was from an antique yellow vase I have that has to be close to 100 years old. I just repotted things out in the garden room and pulled the use of some of those flowers in the antique bowl. It bring life and light on a rainy day.
I did not want to use the word gloomy attached to rainy. When the rain woke us at three I began to pray and meditate. I imagined reaching my arms to heaven up through the rain and feeling refreshed and washed clean by the Father. Only He can provide that deep sense of peace and refreshment. I pray for you today to share with me in the celebration of Spring and the new growth beginning around us with this wonderful rains. (Even if it is predicted to snow tonight in Dallas...we have not had snow all winter and here it is March!)
"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth." Genesis 9:13