Flower Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 24 inches
SOLD on Daily Painters!
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Flower Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 24 inches
SOLD on Daily Painters!
Thanks for Supporting the Self Respresenting Artist!

Sunday has dawned with bright sun and warmer temps. They will fall by tomorrow with storms predicted to move in! This is a fast blog this morning as it is late already.
I painted this yesterday. Kay was over painting again. Yesterday I painted from five thirty in the morning until seven last night...NON STOP. My feet really hurt this morning. I am pretty tired. I had several commission pieces I was working on as well as paintings for the Galleries in Massachusetts and California.
The gift of light is obvious on this painting. The play of shadows and light are exciting to paint and I know they bring excitement to our lives. Our journeys take us into the dark valleys and we must remember that faith in the Father will see us through the darkness. I give thanks today for the light of a new friendship with Kay. She stayed painting yesterday for five hours as well! She is so very talented and the time flashes by when she is in the studio working with me!
Give thanks today.
"He is your praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes." Deuteronomny 10:21