Moonlight Two
Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 18 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me to Purchase: Laurie
Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 18 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me to Purchase: Laurie

Yesterday will not soon be forgotten and today may be as difficult. We were with out internet until late last night and about mid day yesterday my mother was taken to the ER and is in the hospital. Prayers are welcome for her and my dad. My dad has Alzheimers and is here staying with Terry and I. It was a rough night and it made me more realize the hell my mother lives through at night. He was up to go to the bathroom and found it directly across the hall because we left a small light on, but then he could not find his way back. He has no way of remembering where he is or why he is here. I had woken slightly hearing him and laid their listening. Not long after he opened our door and I jumped up to help him find his way back to his bed. There was no way I would sleep after that and it was only 1:15. He must have wandered a bit before making his way to our door. I had locked the studio door last night and we have keyed dead bolts on every outside door, so he could not have ever left the house, but we have so much glass I was afraid in his confusion he might walk into one of the huge glass panels trying to get outside. He is sleeping now and I am tiptoeing and praying the phone does not ring. Terry left early since it is a mess outside with snow and ice.
I am headed for the easel and a hard work out for once Dad is up breakfast has to be made and he has to shower etc. We will make our way to the hospital in mid to late morning. I am the "distractor" that must keep him occupied and busy so he does not worry.
Worry is not something the Lord wants us doing. There is no way to remember being 12 months old, but we definitely didn't worry much then. We cried when we were hungry and would get angry or confused, but I don't think we knew much about worry. If we could remain so childlike in our lives as adults our stress loads would almost disappear. Is it possible to NOT worry? Try and put into practice today whenever WORRY creeps in, "I will let go and let God". Give it to Him to carry and make your self redirect to another area of thought. You have to make this a habit to make it work. It is something we learned early on in life that has created a monster in each of us.
Don't worry, be happy.... this is what the Lord would want.
"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Matthew 6:27
I'll be thinking good thought for your Mom and Dad.
Warm regards,