by Laurie Justus Pace
Canvas is 18 x 36 inches and it is framed in a gorgeous dark blue edged in gold.
Needs a home!
by Laurie Justus Pace
Canvas is 18 x 36 inches and it is framed in a gorgeous dark blue edged in gold.
Needs a home!

Contact me to Purchase: Laurie

These are my Koi that were in my own private collection. I need to sell them because I have not place to hang them in our new house. I had them in my entry hall but they are not a large enough piece for the entry hall. This painting took honors in several art shows and was a headliner in my New York Show last year. The paint is close to 1/2 inch thick in many places. It is done in restful colors of greens and blues contrasted with the koi's gold and white. The custom frame by the Dutch Art Gallery was close to $200. Email me if you like them and shoot me a fair offer. Click here to email me.
"I've Got Your Back." Those were the words out of my husbands mouth as we fell asleep last night pushed up against each other back to back, cold toes to cold toes. As I drifted into preslumber the words echoed in my mind. "I've got your back." I felt so safe at that moment and I let go of all worries from the day.
Late yesterday we brought Mom home from the hospital. She is weak but healing quickly now that she is off the blood thinners. I have deducted blood thinners are not the miracle drug that they are made out to be and most of our seniors are on them. They cause many dangerous situations. Thank you for your prayers... and basically for 'having my back'.
Knowing God is always there, you could hear him say, NEVERTHELESS I'VE GOT YOUR BACK. It is true He does. So next time today or tomorrow when you feel buried in chaos or burdened, please close your eyes and hear him say, "I've got your back". He is our protector if we let Him be there in our lives.
"But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you." Psalm 5:11