Heated Moment
Horse Oil Painting By Laurie Justus Pace
22 x 28 inches
Contact me to purchase. Laurie
Horse Oil Painting By Laurie Justus Pace
22 x 28 inches
Contact me to purchase. Laurie

I am sitting in the dark. Now the lights in my studio are only working 50%. The entire desk area and where I paint is dark. The day has not started out on the best foot at all. I cannot do anything anywhere else in the house unless I carry a flashlight. Are there ANY electricians reading this blog? Terry's desk is lit up but I do not want to be on the PC today and none of my stuff is on it. Everything in this house is worn out. I am not far behind now. I have maintained hope with lights in this room where I need to work, but I guess I will finish this blog and go sit in the dark until the sun comes up. I would like to see my husband do his job in the dark.
On the brighter side I did go visit my mom yesterday afternoon. She was dressed and with makeup and looking very pretty. We are praying her strength returns soon as she is still very tired and moving slowly. The pink in her face and the twinkle in her eye are a song in my heart. I give praise and thanksgiving to the Lord for her healing.
Moving slowly in life is perhaps a reminder of the tortoise and the hare story we all heard when we were younger. Steady is the course, and steady in your faith in the Lord and His knowledge of your unknown future. As a child, a young child, you never gave thought to the future. You were focused on the moment and your immediate needs. How can we be more child-like? Give your worry about the future to the Lord as I must turn and give him my darkness issue and pray he will provide someone to bring light back into my home. It is four weeks now we have lived like this. I remain patient and will work daylight hours in faith.
" When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12