Dog Whippet Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
Dog Whippet Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace

This is my second Whippet to paint and this was suppose to be a horse! But as I was pulling the peach against the blue I could feel the dog in place of it and when I stepped back it was definitely there.
The electrician is due this morning at eight thirty. She thinks she will finish up today with the wiring and next week Terry will address with her the breaker box. We need everything marked.
Tonight will find hopefully working switches for the bedroom and our bathroom. It has been dark in there. On the list today is to line the painter up for the outside of the house. Also another Doc Trip with Mom to get her check up from the doc that took care of her in the hospital. She is growing stronger every day and that is obvious and something I give thanks for every waking moment. I took up a new quilt for her bed to her last night. I think she was surprised. Before she fell ill she had asked me about ours on our bed and while she was in the hospital I found one for her room, king size too! Terry played pool with Dad while Mom and I visited.
Growing in strength in both mind and body. It must be a continual work out for us on a daily basis. With the lights not working and the darkness in the house, I do not do what I normally do and that is play my harp and my piano before blogging and before painting. Also have not been exercising as there are no lights anywhere but in the kitchen and the studio. I can tell my daily activities are off and that throws life off in general. Daily Word this morning shares the thought that NOW is the important time. Before each of us is everything we need as God is the abundant source of life, strength, serenity and joy. He provides it for us and we must be aware it is there for the taking. Usually our attention is focused on past events or worried about future events. The best time is NOW. Be spiritual awake and aware that your opportunity to live is NOW. Maybe I will go light some candles and play my harp by candle light.
"But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth." John 4:23