Cat and Horse
My Buddy and Me Series LARGE Format by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas
Thank you for supporting the arts.
My Buddy and Me Series LARGE Format by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas
Thank you for supporting the arts.

Daylight Saving definitely was not God's plan for us or he would have adjusted the day and night. I asked Terry this morning what states did NOT do it because I wanted to move there. I can't buy into the thought that this saves energy. We are only on real time four months out of the year. Why doesn't Congress just outvote the Lord and his creation and make DLS permanent? I truly dislike DLS.
Last night as Terry and I were trying to go to sleep by nine thirty old time/ten thirty new time, the phone rang. Often the phone rings in the middle of the night and it is a collect call from an inmate at the Dallas County Jail and always that is disturbing as I refuse the call hoping it is NOT one of my children or a relative in jail. BUT, it was our CPA out in California calling to go over our return. Here it is Sat night and she is working overtime at the office finishing up. We got the call because we have to pay this year. She wanted me prepared. This year I will have to plan better to either paint and sell less or put back more for Uncle Sam. Wish there was a candidate running that was ready to fix our tax system. It definitely is broken. AGAIN, I do not think the Lord created the tax system.
Not sure where the thoughts are flowing this morning, but I am grumbly getting up at four a.m. old time, 5 a.m. new time. This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it...think I will paint now. Otherwise I will fall face first onto my desk in a sound sleep. It is dark and in accordance to the word, it is still night and I should be asleep. Time for change somewhere in my life.
"God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day." Genesis 1:5
(There is no mention of Day Light Savings Time.)
I hope that your mother is MUCH better! She has many people praying for her and a loving, supportive family. Those two things can do wonders! Hold onto that belief!
If you think back, we always have bad periods, but then they are followed by good ones. Life loves balance, so this bad period through which you are going now is bound to change to a good one. Just hold on!