Commissioned Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
3 ft by 4 ft
Contact me for Commission Work: Laurie
Commissioned Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
3 ft by 4 ft
Contact me for Commission Work: Laurie

I was contacted by JJ Baldwin out of Lufkin Texas to paint her mom's favorite three horses. She wanted the fauvistic style I use with lots of color. The painting is drying now and will ship next week, but I wanted to share it with you. This is three ft by four ft in size and full of thick buttery oils!
The weather is gorgeous here, but I heard this morning Easter will be cold and rainy. We bought a ham at Whole Foods last night for Easter and I will fix food for family. Mom and I shopped at Albertsons early yesterday and I picked up one of those precooked chickens. Georgia had told me about the EGG NOODLES in the freezer that are like dumplings. I bought some of those too. I started out with chicken broth and added orange lentils to it and cooked them down. Then I added the chicken I had taken off the bone, onion, celery and carrots. The lentils kept it thick and rich and with some bread it made a yummy dinner. I am debating what to fix for tonight now but have no clue. Probably some black eyed peas and cornbread. We are heading to as many meatless meals as I can push through!
Painting this morning as I did not do much yesterday. I am appreciative of the sales off Daily Painters as well. Terry and I shipped out 8 boxes, many filled with two or more paintings) to The Red Tree Gallery in Atascadero California. Next week I ship to The Rain Bird Gallery in Blanco Texas...and then to Massachusetts. I would like to continue the sales off DP though because shipping work to a gallery does not mean I will sell it!
My painting is a passion and with every day that I paint I grow stronger and my style develops. It does not always grow in the same direction as I bravely try different ways to attack the canvas. It is time for you to recognize the fullness of the Lord with in you. Just as Spring awakens in the air, let the gifts our Father has filled with in you, be put to use. Just as I allow the inspiration out on my canvas, you must allow the beauty with in you to be flowing out to others in your life. It may be to someone on an elevator, or behind the counter at a register, or the older couple next door, but share the beauty you have with the world. Let it blossom out to others. Happy First Day of Spring.
"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever!" 2 Peter 3:18