Second in a Series of Three Abstract Grazing Horses
Oil on Canvas by Laurie Justus Pace
Contact Wendy Rogers at The Red Tree Gallery Atascadero, California to purchase.
Second in a Series of Three Abstract Grazing Horses
Oil on Canvas by Laurie Justus Pace
Contact Wendy Rogers at The Red Tree Gallery Atascadero, California to purchase.
30 x 30 inches Gallery Wrap Canvas

This painting was finished yesterday for the gallery in California. It will ship in about two weeks as it dries. Today I will work on some smaller pieces in My Buddy and Me series. Every painting is a wonderment and an exercise in color. Where else can you have a job that you get to play in color?? That I do love and give thanks for the gift.
Hummm, it must be Thursday. No heat; haven't had heat since yesterday morning when I was minding my own business and the plumber knocked on the door. They were coming to purge the lines for the city inspection. It was after lunch when the inspector came. The gas repair passed (Yeah we can fill the 8 ft by 2 ft hole in the yard) and the new heater passed as well. The plumber returned late last night to try and unstop our plumbing and reconnect our gas lines and start us back up. Well he has to return to unstop the plumbing but we have connected gas...but no heat. He didn't purge the line to the heater. Would explain why I have a massive headache this morning. I had to take a short shower with the stopper in the tub...or the water backs up on your feet...not clean water either. Made me question this morning what I was doing wrong in my life to have so much wrong in my life. Did that make sense? Maybe the headache is doing it!
Do you ever get to that point? Usually I hang on and trust because there truly isn't much else you can do, but I am so ready for a resting plateau with this house. I feel totally beat down. Still have to find an electrician. Only 5 percent of the lights work right now. I sort of feel like a person on one of those river rafts careening down a river. I know the guide knows what he is doing, but I sure don't know and we continue to hit unexpected rocks as we torpedo down the river at high speeds. God is guiding and steering this raft, and despite being seasick, I am hanging on!
Whatever river you are rafting down, know there are others experiencing similar trips. Trust in the Guide God...he will get us where we are going down this river hopefully with out too many roll overs in the water.
“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7