INTENSE Revisited
Contemporary Horse Oil Painting By Laurie Justus Pace
22 x 28 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Horse Oil Painting By Laurie Justus Pace
22 x 28 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

Power Rangers is blaring in the background as I begin this daily blog. I am truly waiting for Six and the news and hope to be gleefully playing in paint by then! I promised today Terry and the Light Sabers and you will see it now! The blue one is the one Jonathan, our grandson picked out to have for Christmas. It took a month to receive it but it is here now! We are hoping to see him this weekend for him to get it! Meanwhile it has batteries and is ready for battle should I need it to protect myself.

Well step wise it was not a great day. I think I only did about 3500 steps yesterday. BUT if you read the post notes on yesterday's blog you will see we had a Carbon Monoxide leak in the house that made me sick, the fan gave out on the old heater and American Home Shield condemned the unit. End result is no heat until we can get one installed. My electric heaters are plugged back in and prayers are required.
Life continues to turn. I often read a blog by another mother who has young ones at home, she home schools and she is constantly writing very entertaining blogs about life with the kids as the last one becomes potty trained. It definitely brings back memories. I am here to write back to her that things change and the challenges just grow larger and the prayers longer. Knowing the Lord works in our lives keeps me steeped in the belief of hope. I realize now that hope may not be in this life, but in the eternal life. Our lives are fragile and we tend to live them on the hap hazard side never giving thought to the day after.
Morgan did not get the final job with Northwest ISD. He is unemployed and still looking. Haunted by his past from high school and the first years of college, he has found that the journey marks you in life and it is near impossible to even get employed once you have an arrest record. Those thoughts are so foreign from potty training. It is truly sad to have a college degree with honors, a clean work history and glowing recommendations from past employees that took a chance on you, but no way to get employed now. Today they run a criminal history. They run an arrest record search and not a conviction search. Morgan has one conviction of a DWI but his arrest record shows much activity from high school and the first years of college. No convictions but there are arrests. I have encouraged him over the past three years as he has battled employment issues to write a book. Both parents and students need to know in this computer age how the smallest blips on the screen loom up to block your journey in life. His hope is in the Lord and in the hopes he can find a firm, person, business, someone that recognizes the good that is there and will give him an opportunity. Meanwhile he will continue to paint. His work is progressing beautifully as he explores paint and the canvas. He sells his art work every time he posts it so he may have to paint full time and go back to school.
Life giving thoughts continue as I spent the evening with my two brothers visiting with my parents as we face decisions in territory we have no experience in. We are dealing with Alzheimers and with the devastating role of the caregiver, my mom. I know from first hand observation with several families it is not unusual for the caregiver to die before the sick spouse dies. My mom, always a number one life giver is in need of nourishment. Her love for her family and her honor of obligations made over 50 years ago seem to be the pull of her life right now. Hard to convince her that we three kids, I am, Bill is fifty nine, I am fifty five and Kirk is forty something...we are able adults. Our goal is to encourage our mother to rest and restore her health right now. I welcome your prayers with that too!
Brother Bill has kindly pointed out I murder the English language...especially with spelling. The blog has spell check on it and he says he cringes when he sees the words with in. He declares it must be within. One word. He encouraged me to tape that up in front of my computer screen. Yes I have a license to teach, but when you are fifty five and it is five thirty in the morning, your fingers fly over this keyboard. I gave my promise to watch my spelling within my blog.
Gotta go paint. I am off to the easel.
"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you." Exodus 20:12