HERD IN MOTION....The Disciples
By Laurie Justus Pace
Oil On Watercolor Paper 15 x 25 inches
Thanks for your support!
By Laurie Justus Pace
Oil On Watercolor Paper 15 x 25 inches
Thanks for your support!

I am determined this morning to get to the easel BEFORE six a.m. Still behind and trying to stay organized to take a few steps forward! This is a painting that I did ten years ago. Light stroking develops the horses with clarity and the feel of their coat when you stroke them. This painting was rescued from the west coast. It literally had been stolen at one time and it is now home! Hopefully it will find it's true home over the next few weeks.
Yesterday I believe I did 8000 plus steps. I had my step meter up to close to 5000 and somehow bumped it with my hand and I reset itself. So I do not know how far I went before I noted that. But by bedtime I had done another 2800, so I am guessing right at 8000. I did better on eating, but still felt over stuffed last night. Will begin watching calories this weekend. OH, and I did my tummy holds and added a few stretches before my shower. Jan sent me an email with news of a lost 6 pounds but the most impressive part was how many inches she lost with the six pounds. I am pumped. I know if I do not curtail eating on my own I will join the weight watchers online. I have done that before and it works. Altho IF I can squeeze out the time I do believe there is a national site that is free that has the calorie info on it so I could chart my foods on my own without the point system.
Last night I fixed Turkey Breast, steamed veggies and brown rice for my parents and my father in law Ben. We shared the evening meal and visited on everything from life in the service during the Korean War to how God is constantly working in all of our lives. There was talk of seeds and how we grow which played right into my words today on building yourself back up to be a life giver. You can grow plants in weak soil but you know they shoot right up stronger in a rich soil environment. They do even better if you remember to water them too. Such are we individually. We all start out in life as a seed planted into this world. Some of us despite our situations grow strong no matter what conditions are. There are some that are lucky as I was, and begin their lives in a loving caring family, active in the faith and the community. During different times in our lives we rotate in and out of rich environments of a balance of sun and rain into droughts and scorching times.
To be able to give back to your family and the world, to be a true life giver, you must check out your soil right now. The richness lies in the nutrients blended into the mix. Those nutrients are from God. He provides what we need to grow in. Spending time in thought and prayer enriches your life to the core. Following through with allowing Him to work deeply inside of us provides changes with in us that affect those around us. We learn about rejection, selfishness, control, unrealistic expectations and shame. If we harbor those things in our lives we cannot be life givers. When we own too many problems and worry consumes us we are depleting our soil. The answers we seek are before us. We are trying to control things to be to our liking and it will not work. Turn to Him today and release those thoughts and problems. Wrap up in His love and His arms and allow His comfort to seep into your being. You are safe with the Father.
COMING TOMORROW.... Terry and the Light Sabers.
PS it is 6:04 CST
POST NOTE at 6:35: RETURN OF THE HEATER...CLATTER CLATTER...buzzzzzzzzzz no fan will turn but the machine squeals and lets out a loud BUZZZZZZZ. Called TP, he told me to hang on. Not sure how to interpret that one. Should I hit it with a brick???
1:22 pm...will be headlines in tomorrow's blog...THEY CONDEMNED THE HEATER. Details tomorrow at 6:00 a.m.
"It had been planted in good soil by abundant water so that it would produce branches, bear fruit and become a splendid vine." Ezekiel 17:8