The wind is howling outside this morning. Our 90 degree temps are back in the thirties. Only in Texas! I saw some poppies in a garden this week and that prompted a fun painting of their brilliance.
Yesterday Terry and I finished up replanting and re potting the garden room. We had purchased new pots for our roses that we brought from the country as well as his mother's rose that we have nurtured along. I will have to take pictures and share them this week. It is nice in there, a very peaceful retreat. The roses and azealas will thrive in their new soil.
Re potting is a thought to consider for us today. Often as a plant grows older and there has been no weekly maintenance to feed and nourish it, it begins to get yellow leaves and even shriveled leaves. I feel that applies to us as well. We stumble along in life often neglecting our connection that is wide open with God. He waits so patiently to lend his ear and his love and we live our lives in total chaos, never finding time for him. We begin to deplete the "joy" that lives with in as we go through our daily lives with various crisis. When that crisis hits, we are on our knees again, just to get up once it is over and forget to spend time with Father-God. Perhaps you should look at your environment. Is it nurturing and encouraging you to have a relationship with the Lord? Do the folks you surround yourself with believe and practice their beliefs? Maybe some new "soil" is needed for you to be re potted in. Take the time today to examine exactly where you are in life. Where is your spiritual life? Are the people and things you do feeding your being with the joy of the Lord? Spring time is a good time to re pot yourself. Love yourself enough to open your arms to receive His love and many gifts. Grow with God.
“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” 1 John 4:9