Celebrate the day! Here in Dallas it is going to be sixty degrees today with sunshine.... beautiful sunshine. The house is warm, the water is hot, still no lights, but we are working on it. Terry is busy sealing shut the floor return vents from the old unit. There is so much dust being pulled from those when the new system works that the dust literally flies.
Yesterday Trina and her two children stopped by to visit. I had such a good time visiting with them. I miss painting with Trina. She normally use to come paint every Thursday morning. With me moving all the way into Dallas, I haven't seen her since last fall. The kids are growing like weeds! Kiern and I played several games of Chinese Checkers. Jency collected marbles and rocks and enjoyed just running around close by. Such beautiful children!!!
My internet is up. This is late posting because of the inadequacy of Time Warner Cable. We had no phone service or internet service again today. This happens twice a week. Two and a half hours of ON HOLD and being passed on to a new tech...I finally got one that fixed it. Ron is actually in Irving, next to Dallas. He reset it all and got all four computers up and running. YEAH!!! He is my hero today.
Higher power. Know today that the Lord rules in every area of our lives. He is Lord of all. If you can let go of the control and surrender yourself to him, turning your life over to him, the struggle stops and life in Him begins. Acknowledge Him in your heart, soul, body, mind and spirit.
"If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord's." Romans 14:8
yours Edward