PINK PEONY ~ Flower Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 Oil on Linen Panel
Contact me to Purchase.
8 x 10 Oil on Linen Panel
Contact me to Purchase.

Saturday early finds me finishing up this peony to post on Daily Painters. I really enjoyed painting this one and will probably do quite a few this size right now. This is a smaller format for me and really an adjustment to painting small. I am accustomed to turning on my Chris Tomlin Christian Music and rocking with my palette knife on huge canvas....This was painted to Antje Duvekot. She is one of my links to the right and absolutely one of my favorite female singers to paint to. Her song about Alzheimer makes me weep while I paint. My dad has alzheimers.
Yesterday we walked UP the huge hill we live at the bottom of! We meet so many new neighbors. Gayle lives at the top of the hill with her husband and children. There must have been 8 children playing in the yard. Truly wonderful! We walked about a mile and a half circling the local elementary school. On the way we met more new neighbors for us and I bought seven boxes of girl scout cookies from girl scouts out selling her wares. As we arrived back home our neighbor, Ron, was out knocking around in the bushes. He came over to meet Terry and had a can of sealant caulk in his hand. Seems that my story about the BFR (Big Fat Rat) that seems to roam around at night has gained glory through my blog! I hope I have a new reader...Jo brought us AWESOME bread from the Black Forest Bakery when we moved in. She lives across the street. The bread made a huge impression, but now I don't know what kind it was because we ate off of every crumb of it..I have to walk across and find out. But she read about the BFR and it has gained notice of the neighbors now. Found out we have coyotes larger than my dogs! I can't let them out at dark!!! And this is Dallas? Also found the owner of the boy's gray sweat jacket that has been in our front yard for two weeks. Terry ran it back to the owner one house up from Jo's house.
Yesterday I was painting on this peony when my mom phoned. She had just finished with plumbers at their house and was heading to the Black Forest to have lunch with my dad, brother and Uncle Carl. The car wash was the next stop after lunch. The car wash left an impression on me last year. Stacey and Larry drove the car through one in Grapevine while I was in the back seat. I laid my head back and loved hearing the water and noise. We had been in a drought and the sound of water was magic! As soon as we popped out the other side I demanded we go again. Larry wouldn't do it. They promised to take me again, but did not, so I was really pumped to head this direction yesterday.
Brother Bill was driving with Dad as his co-pilot, mom and I were in the backseat. PERFECT position. Looking into the car wash you see all the spinning blue tornadoes, rocking boats and flying foam. The car gently took off on the track and I leaned back and closed my eyes. Around me was noise of water, whirling sponges, pressure and yet inside we were safe. Yeah I am an artist bare with reminds me of two things, first the womb and second, of being in my Father's Arms. If only life were as easy as that car wash. The car pulled along on the track with all those blue tornado whirlers beating the car on all sides while the thick white foam blocked the views out the windows. (We never can see where we are going in life. We think we can, but God always detours us...and at the same time keeps us on his track.) The long tentacles of blue sponge were like an octopus sucking the car forward wiping every exposed area. No human could withstand it's grip with out the protection of the car. The constant sound of water was calming to me...then you get sprayed with the Simonex before the GREAT HEAT BLOWERS. The car rocked harder as we went through the last stage, but we were cocooned with in the car, safe from all the tortures of the car wash. Emerging out into the light was like arriving at heaven after the journey of life. If only we could always remember no matter what is happening around us...ANYTHING....we are always safe in God's hands. He has us wrapped up tight in his embrace; He will never take us anywhere He is not taking care of us. His love and His arms hold us close through our earthly journey, we simply have to believe.
Car Washes Rock! I think I may have to take Shiney Hiney (my Passat) to the car wash today.
"Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe." Proverbs 29:25