Magnificent Four
Modern Contemporary Horse Oil Painting
By Laurie Justus Pace
15 x 30 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Modern Contemporary Horse Oil Painting
By Laurie Justus Pace
15 x 30 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

Foggy, cool, wet and early. I thought it was suppose to get cold but it didn't. Terry is painting edges on my finished work, I am blogging and the back door is wide open for the dogs to wander through in and out. I can hear a jet flying overhead, but it truly in the dark is not much different than the country. Where we live in Dallas is very quiet. Well, quiet until seven thirty. There is a wonderful elementary school one block away...and the kids begin to arrive....and then the bells begin to ring. Memories. My little brother went to this school. I went to another one about three miles from here.
This painting is in my new series, COLORS of WYOMING. Action packed with movement and color I am trying to capture the energy of the horses. Not much compares to their beauty when they are fluid and so graceful, the stocky body on the thin legs! I am in love.
I was debating this morning on route to go in blogging and decided to do two ways. First a note to any one out there trying to loose weight as I am. I am not too badly overweight, I want to lose 15 pounds. That is a wish and now a goal for me. If it is for you too, think in terms of evolution and not revolution. This does not have to be a fight, only a gradual change of habit. Set a small goal of three pounds and lets do it. Today go in the kitchen and purge it of cookies and things you should not eat. (Yes Mom, I am throwing out the rest of those Christmas Cookies in the box.) Make a goal to take a 15 min walk today. We will visit tomorrow and see if I did it and you did it!
I know most of you realize the typical woman is a caregiver. Well, most of the time. The Lord is a caregiver too, so he blessed us as women with a wonderful gift. Danny Thomas once said,"Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself Success is what you do for others." I look toward my daughter, now thirty, and I watch as she struggles with being pulled so many directions. I want to call out to her to be still. Be still and listen to God. Be still and listen to your inner being. Many women are LIFE GIVING women. They have an ease about them, a confidence and an undeniable inner strength. When you are in their presence you are touches by their grace, which is directly from the Lord. This type woman is able to bring His touch directly to you. My mom was this way. I say was, she is still alive, but so much of her life giving has been sucked out of her with the care of my dad. He has alzheimers. She has always been the nurturer and the giver of life, of care and of love. You want to always stay in her presence to breathe in the calmness that is there. It is God working through her to each of us. His presence literally spills out from her. Her constant encouragement gives you power to face what you need to face in life. When she gives to you, you never feel burdened that you have to give back, but you are often inspired to something special for her in other ways. The warmth of her home and her meals fill your empty spirit and bring you back to a positive feeling in life.
As women, we want to be life givers. Our lives are so busy the thought of doing more for others is almost mind boggling. I want to explore these thoughts too in my blog. If you had the choice would you live in chaos and human drama daily draining you, or would you rather think of life as the Garden of Eden? You don't realize it, but you have the Garden of Eden right now. You are choosing to stay living in the chaos. Stay tuned and maybe we can figure this out together!
"And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." Genesis 2:9