THE GLARE ~ Contemporary Horse Abstract by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 27 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
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18 x 27 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for details

The eyes are the door to the soul for me. This particular horse has a look that you cannot take your eyes from his. Intense determination seems to ooze out!
Yesterday was filled with a trip back to Justin Texas to retrieve cardboard for shipping paintings, Terry's Grandfather's bed and my painting rack. We still have one more trip for PVC Pipe. Couldn't get it all in the truck. We ended up there around Lunch time and Terry wanted to stop at the Local Burger place for sweet tea and a hamburger. Mind you we thought this place was really good about 6 weeks ago. It took less than two chews on my first bite to know I would not eat the hamburger. The salad I ordered was basically two shredded leaves of lettuce in 1/2 of honey mustard dressing. That is the dressing I ordered on the side. The French fries were right good. I ate half of those. The the tea. I do believe they stopped using regular sugar. It was bitter sweet...Bittersweet was the entire affair. We both toasted good-bye to the seven years spent here and felt loss only for the good friends we would miss seeing. Will not miss the town of Justin though. My life was so tied into my grandson's there when he lived with us for four years. Memories so sweet, but times of yesterday.
God blesses us with memories. This is the perfect example of how they seem to change in our minds as well. God also blesses us with life and continual endless possibilities and gifts if we just open our eyes and look to see what is there. We limit ourselves in life. Other people don't limit us, we give them the power to limit us. We tie ourselves down and believe we cannot do anything else and we are paralyzed with a situation. We are so deep in the box we cannot see the light to know there is life on the outside of our situation. Take the time today to examine your life. If you out of the box and your life is sailing smooth, give a hand and help someone else see the light. Their life can change and you may be the one throwing the rope into the box to help them out. Key fact here: They must reach out and catch that rope with the determination to change their situation. Unfortunately most of us would rather wallow in our self pity and stay hidden in the box.
I send blessings to you today. Bless the food you eat today. Bless the day the Lord has given you. Bless your family and your friends.
"For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants." Isaiah 44:3