Catching Minnows ~ Figurative Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for Pricing Email: Laurie
8 x 10 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for Pricing Email: Laurie

The dog is watching the minnows, the boy is desperately trying to catch them...but they are elusive. Reminds me of life. We watch what is going on and see things we want to "Catch" or be a part of. Often it is not part of God's overall plan for our lives and I think we end up frustrating ourselves by trying to grasp onto things that will never be ours. Pray for the wisdom to know when to wade in the water. Timing is everything....that is a GOD THING!
Yesterday morning early found me painting. I finished up one that I will post on Sunday most likely. It truly makes me catch my breath when I hit the studio and see it on the easel. I hope it finds a warm wonderful home. It is large, 24 x 36 and of course one of my equine paintings.
Mom phoned early yesterday. We decided we would go visit Cousins' Pianos over in Garland as I continue my trek of piano hunting. It is a small store tucked just off Garland Rd but easy to find. The outside of the building did not truly invite you in, you had to want to be going in there to stop. As we crossed the threshold of the door we were welcomed with a huge showroom, filled with light, color and beautiful pianos. Quite a transformation from the outside of the store. On my immediate left was a tiny tiny grand. Like a Teacup Grand. It was a Knabe which is the same make as my mom's newly restored piano. The outside structure of the piano was worn...loved as it had been played often. As my hands rested on the key board, I smiled as my fingers stroked the keys listening to the hammer action and the beautiful voice that greeted my ears. I smiled at mom and said, NICE! We toured the room oohing and aahing over the $65,ooo Steinway and from there down to the $3000 import from China. The import sounded okay but you only have a value of $150 once it leaves the showroom floor.
I drew out my house plans in the front area for the piano room. With the Frank Lloyd Wright influence the music room has ceilings at 45 degree angle pitches to pull the sound up and then rolling it into the round living room and sending it through out the house. The only true walls in the main living area is the wall between the kitchen and the living room. Other than that, no walls. The bedroom wing has walls of course. So the sound fills the house. Upon examination we ruled out an upright and I "Climbed out of the boat to walk on the water".
"How much is the Knabe in the window?" That little "how much is the doggy in the window...the one with the waggly tail...." was playing in my mind. I felt stupid even asking. Terry always says if you have to ask how much it is you can't afford it. We walked over to "her" and the man told me the insides were totally rebuilt and to have it refinished would be $3000 additional dollars. I asked if it had to be refinished or could I buy it as it was. He gave me a price and my eyes almost fell out. $4500. The Chinese Import was $3000. This was only $1500 more for this absolutely most astounding sound. He showed me one more Knabe that was $6500 but I didn't like the sound on it as much and it did not have the insides redone but the outside was beautiful. Needless to say I am walking on the water in faith that I can paint and sell enough to cover my new piano. She will either be delivered this afternoon or in the morning. My mom was chuckling over all of this. She decided she loved "her" too. She said when she downsizes from her big house, she will take my tea cup baby and give me her baby. I promise pictures in the next few days....and will continue my walk in faith.
"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34