Watercolor by Laurie Pace
Watercolor by Laurie Pace

I am blogging swiftly so I can get to my easel. Yesterday was NOT a productive painting day! Hopefully today I can get into an earlier pace.
HOUSE UPDATE: I am still dancing the happy dance that my bathroom light switch works now. I no longer have to screw a bulb in and out to have light! Terry installed a new faucet in our sink in the Master Bath and YEAH it works. Before water trickled out with not even enough to wet your tooth brush. This is a strange house but it is coming around!
On the diet side I continue to hear from folks that love weight watchers and those that like South Beach. My daughter does Weight Watchers, but lives on TV dinners. I cannot do that. I am a fresh food freak that prefers everything to be natural. RARELY anything from a can, and if it does, it has less than five ingredients. I truly like the RICE Diet, but my life is too complicated to have to think! I walked 8000 steps yesterday and did my tummy holds and bottom squeezes. BUT, I did eat three small cookies. They are official gone now. In the trash outside the garage! I laugh remembering some TV show where the woman was trying to diet and threw the left over birthday cake away and then about an hour later she was stressed and trying to dig it out of the trash to eat it. I will not go after the cookies. I am not that desperate.
Not sure what age my readers are, but I am hoping every woman remembers "I am woman hear me roar in numbers too big to ignore..." as our culture sent forth the message to women to step up to the bat and HAVE IT ALL. Career, money, life etc. Tell me ladies, did we get it all? I am stretched to my limit as I image all of you are. I know our blessed spouses are as well too. Our lifestyles are complicated our lives. In prior generations we "served" our families. I think this aspect has been lost in our society as we battle across the freeway, the soccer fields, gymnastics etc. We are still serving but what are we serving? By nature women are caretakers and last time I looked most of us were still care taking. Somewhere in all of this we are suppose to continue to be life givers. Much of that is over run by schedules where we do not even take care of ourselves, nurturing our own needs, nevertheless taking care of others giving them "life" and "love".
"A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song." Chinese Proverb
Somewhere in our multifaceted life is an inner core that must be nourished. Deep with in we have the desire to give to others but not the energy. The energy and power will come from the Lord. The more dependent you are on Him, the faster your life will balance out and you can return to being a lifegiver.
"This is what God the LORD says— he who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it." Isaiah 42:5