Studio IN THE RAW 6:21 a.m. Central Time
December 18, 2007
Laurie Pace
December 18, 2007
Laurie Pace

When they suggested we shoot our studios for this post I had hopes of being unpacked and actually ready for this. I am not. I don't even have house pictures to post and I have Billie Bauman arriving today from NY to stay for 10 days...I do not have a toilet seat on the new TOTO toilet in her bathroom. There is not even a bed in the room she is to sleep in. SO my studio is way down on the list. She is in the air right now flying from Rochester and snow as I am typing this. I need to jump into the shower and head for the airport...but meanwhile here it is, MY STUDIO IN THE RAW.
Yesterday was to be the day to finish up and rest before company arrived but by mid morning I knew we were sunk. Sanding in the guest bath took too long and the sanding seemed to travel all over the house causing more for me to dust and redust. At ten I was in the kitchen observing the guys removing cabinets to get the ventahood installed...from there I watched as Terry flew through the room with an old wet baseboard in his hand. He waved it in the air and said, "Boys, I want to show you something. You always pull nails through the board not out from the front. That way you save the board." He proceeded to demonstrate and as he did the board popped up as the nail released and two old rusty nails still secure in the wood penetrated his arm nailing into the bone. It was not NOT a pretty site as he pulled the nails from the bone in his arm. Needless to say we spent hours at the doc, and three huge shots later and two more additional antibiotics later (They were out of tetanus, so I am thankful his was still good) they instructed him to watch the site for swelling and redness. If that occurs they have to cut his arm open and treat it deep down like an open wound. That is why no finished pictures...when you see them you will see them. Second moral, do as I say, not as I do.
Meanwhile with a lot of prayer and joy I go forth knowing this room and bathroom will be ready for Billie as she arrives on Texas soil today. That is the simple goal.
Be Ready for the season, be ready for the celebration of the birth of Christ. Make way for the peace that comes with the acceptance of the Lord.
Charlene...I have almost eaten my way through my little cookies. I was up at four this morning with hot throat coat tea and two little cookies. YUMMMM....yesterday all I had to eat all day were four of those little babies. They have sustained me through this mess. THANK YOU!!!
“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come and has redeemed his people. He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David (as he said through his holy prophets of long ago),” Luke 1:68-70