NEW YEAR SOULS ~ Abstract Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 inches, Gallery Wrap Canvas, Ready to hang!
SOLD on Daily Painters January 1, 2008 ~ THANK YOU!
Gallery Value $3600
24 x 36 inches, Gallery Wrap Canvas, Ready to hang!
SOLD on Daily Painters January 1, 2008 ~ THANK YOU!
Gallery Value $3600

I can't seem to get a photo strong enough to capture the tones and hues in this painting. IN person it has a captivating appearance that pulls you into the center where you feel as if the horses are running around you.
I kept hearing rustling in the tissue among the presents last week. Sort of discouraging because of the large rat I know lives in the yard out front and I do not welcome him in the house. Yesterday as I was sweeping up and preparing the damp mop the wood floors, this little guy was sunning himself in the middle of the floor. He didn't seem to mind the photo shoot, but as soon as I attempted to scoop him up to put him outside, where I think he needs to live, he shoot back under the couch and I couldn't find him after that.

I have been praying about my art work and the different places I sell it. I have been so busy with commissions I have not had the time to do just daily painting and want to get back to the small daily paintings to sell on this blog at the MAKE an OFFER price or $100 or $150 per painting. My sales have been strong at the galleries and I realize not everyone can afford a large painting, nor do they have room for large paintings. So watch for changes.
Yesterday Terry and I scampered over the Jack Whitby Pianos in Mesquite area. I wondered as we drove up to this depressed area and there were bars on the windows and doors and the door was locked. You had to ring a doorbell to go in...but ya know, once we were in, I was in heaven. It was a shop full of pianos, upright, baby grand, grands, concert grands....everywhere. I have not played the piano in 22 days. I feel part of my soul slowly dying with in. I have played both harp and guitar daily, but they do not full fill the lifetime pleasure I have of 50 years at the keyboard. It has severe withdrawal symptoms and sadness. I sat for an hour going from piano to piano playing and listening, marveling over the keys and the action. Yamahas are too bright for my ears. Kawaii has a more classical mellow sound and is the one that made my heart sing. He had several restored older pianos, including Steinway, but they just didn't sing with the ease of the newer models. They were beautiful of course. I became educated enough to know it may be over a year before I can buy one. It will take that long to save up the money! I will continue to watch Craig's List, but this man's prices for me being a piano teacher were better than anything I saw on Craig's List this past week. I had hopes of finding something for $4000 range but it will probably be closer to $8000. They have been in business for three generations...and they warranty every piano for 10 years for any repairs. Sort of difficult being a piano teacher with out a piano....
I was reading Daily Word today and it referred to the parable Jesus shared that heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. With in each of us is this treasure and it is ours if we just believe. It is our warranty you might say. Abundance is there for each of us if we only believe and open our hands to receive what God provides for us.
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”—Matthew 13:44