GRAY HERD ~ Abstract Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 36 inches, Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for pricing or commission work.
Laurie Pace
18 x 36 inches, Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for pricing or commission work.
Laurie Pace

At two o'clock this morning I was laying in bed with my sore throat and stuffy nose thinking of blogging and came up with so much to say and now my brain is slow to bring thought to paper.
Today is my oldest Brother's birthday. He was the one when we were kids playing with his army men, that he would dump some men out for me to play with in the dirt and usually always in an ant bed. I was four years younger and I am sure a pain in his back end. His birthday card has yet to be unearthed, but I have found the small interesting thing that Charlene found and sent to me. It is pretty cool, but since there is an outside chance he might be reading this, I can't say! hint: it is orange and peach in color. Happy Birthday Bill. I hope we can jam soon on our guitars.
Have you ever heard the term two day underwear? We might be stretching to three days at this point. I have been with out washer/dryer, stove, oven, dishwasher and kitchen for over a week now. I at least can access the kitchen this morning and microwave myself some oatmeal. I guess I could wash the underwear out by hand, but there is so much wash to do to catch up. So much stuff is still in boxes because our dresser is in storage and I have no where to unpack the we have two day underwear and two day socks. I can't even begin to count the days in these sweats. Terry directed hope today saying we could hook up the washer/dryer this afternoon. YEAH!
Morgan and Uncle John and Ron have almost finished painting . Ron and Morgan put in new lights and in my tour of picture taking later I will snap shots of those too. Left to paint is the feathering in the dining room, the entire kitchen/breakfast area, and the guest bathroom. GROAN on the bathroom. As we tore the wallpaper off it became evident the person that put it up did not size the walls first. We have had a horrible time removing the paper even using all the different suggested methods. It will be mudded today and not painted until Monday. Maybe even Tuesday AFTER Billie arrives from New York. She lived in this process for a year, so hopefully she will feel right at home. I think I will have to buy her a shower curtain for that bathroom though. The slate floors look right nice.
Arriving. That is my word to you today. Arriving. We all must arrive at some time in our lives to the realization that possessions around us truly means little. I know I cherish so many things that are only things, but they bring me personal joy. Playing the guitar or harp seems to connect me to the Lord just like painting does. But as I am unpacking so much STUFF I am realizing I have arrived at the point I must let go of things. If I do not use them I need to loose them.
Reminds me of the Brown family I was first married into. The Grandfather spent months carving, and building this beautiful rocking horse for Morgan when he was a little boy. The rocking horse had a real horse hair tail too. Morgan spent hours rocking on the horse and pretending to be a cowboy on his horse. Much love grew between the two. Two decades later when the first Brown great grandson was born, the grandfather would not allow the rocking horse to leave his house, so the next generation never got to use the rocking horse. To me that is sad. It is meant to be enjoyed and used and brought to life. What would have been an experience of joy for grandson Jonathan never happened. By keeping the horse, Grandfather killed the joy of creating the gift by keeping it for himself and not sharing it. We have so many things in our lives sitting there that could be used by others.
Half price books will receive many donated book boxes from me next week and the Salvation Army will be called to do a pick up. Time to par down in many areas. As I was packing I weaned down on many china things and collectibles. I do have a tea cup collection I need to place in a home though, any takers?
On the reverse side I am in search of a piano for myself. Does any one have one that sits silent? Would help if you were in the Dallas Area. I would make one sing daily through my personal playing and my teaching. Pianos should not sit silent, they were made to bring music into the world, not to just sit like furniture in the living room or dining room. (Reminds me of the rocking horse story. Pianos sitting with out singing.) My old piano has barely held together the past four years and it was not able to be moved again. I will check Craig's list this weekend so see what I can find. If not, perhaps my playing hands are to be silent and not play the piano.
Arriving...arriving at the point of realizing I can't have everything I want and I do not need 2/3rds of what I have. There are those in need that will use what I do not. In your advent preparation, open your heart and give your unused things to those in need. God gave to us the greatest gift he had, his son. You know what His Son gave us.....eternal life as he died for our sins.
"I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ." Philemon 1:6