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FALL CACTUS ~ Flower Painting by Laurie Justus Pace

30 x 30 inches Gallery Wrap Canvas

SOLD Commission Painting
Contemporary Art for the Home

Well, as I sit here the house is 49 degrees. I asked Terry to make sure the heat was on as I climbed into bed exhausted last night about eight. I fell asleep but it was already cold. When I woke to Dogs making noise at five thirty it was REALLY cold. Nudging him in bed did not produce any results, so I hurried the dogs outside and found the flashlight. (Why the flashlight? The light switches in the house are like none I have ever seen and you need a road map to find which one lights up an area.) I checked the heater first and I could see the gas flame very cheerfully flickering. I made my way thru the box maze to the thermostat and found indeed the heat was on but the fan was on auto. Nothing was running. Either the thermostat is not functioning or the auto fan was not. SO I switched the Fan to ON to make it run full time and presto I hear fan, but not sure if we have heat yet. I need to check it out.

I raced back to the bedroom to put on my clothes and it is still pretty shivering in here. The DRIP kept me up again last night. I am truly hoping Terry kills the drip situation today. He went to Lowe's last night and bought new things for the shower, but didn't fix it. The shower is my next quick visit this morning. To look in side our shower area would cause one to shudder. It is a small room with the potty and the shower in one area. The dressing area/ sink is separate. The tile floor is cracked outside the shower and when you open the shower door, you immediately note the floor of the shower is cracked across it. The tile is fairly new, but the cracks make you think otherwise. The water pressure in Dallas is unbelievable. We came from water pressure of about 35 to water pressure of 95. Drip versus hard spray. Not only that, but in this shower there are TWO heads, one on each side and the shower itself would hold a small family of four easily. Very unusual for homes built in 1960 but perhaps something along the lines of what Frank Lloyd Wright put in his houses. I have yet to buy a detailed book on his work. Back to the shower. OH MY! To stand in this large area with water spraying both directions gives back comfort to getting clean again. At the Justin house it was one of those showers that you could not bend down and pick up the soap if you dropped it. The door of the shower would fly open because is was only 30 x 30 inside! This is about 48 by 72ish I think...or close to it.

More adventures ahead today as I finally get to put clothes in my closet. Uncle John is doing our painting and for many many days now I have begged, please paint the bedroom. I cannot work in my painting area until I can clear the bedroom boxes out. He did do the closet while he was here yesterday. Terry has promised to have the bedroom painted this morning. He can't do packing until I can unpack my labels and COA's so paintings won't go out until Wednesday I am sure. Me, I hope to unpack my closet and then paint. I love my new work area. I have it half cleared out. I did find the camera last night so I can take pictures.

Okay, I checked the heat. It isn't working. Only the fan a blowing. BEN are you there? (Terry's dad is pretty good at this.) Call when you read the blog this morning.

As I unpack I leave you with the thought of continuing to prepare for the season. Prepare your heart and ask for Grace. Each day lets pause, breathe and believe, "Lord I place my trust in you." Each day may become more rushed or crazy but remember to meditate and repeat those words. The Grace desired is to hear the promise of God to be in the real places of our lives daily. Be confident as you open up your heart and body to trust totally in Him.


"He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD." Psalm 40:3


Roxanne Steed said…
whoa, I thought you were just moving....I had no idea you were in the middle of a major renovations, too!!! Girl, you are in my prayers...that is a tuff undertaking - especially at Christmas (from a Navy wife who knows & commiserates!) whew! Love the painting of the young girl & pony, btw!

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