Earth Dreams ~ Abstract Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for Pricing or Commission Work.
SOLD on Daily Painters! THANK YOU!
18 x 24 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for Pricing or Commission Work.
SOLD on Daily Painters! THANK YOU!

TOMORROW you will FINALLY see more pictures of the inside of the house. Billie and I are finishing up the rooms in preparation for Christmas. Yesterday we bought out Lowe's garden area that had azealas half price...HUGE azealas Half price....along with roses, begonias, pansies etc. We were pushing through Lowe's with three baskets/carts over flowing FULL of flowering bushes and lush green plants, while outside it was blowing cold with winds at 35 mph and clouds and cold. I have been working on still unpacking boxes and cleaning basic rooms and Billie has been busy with that garden room. It really rocks. We lit candles and sat in the room last night with Terry and the dogs and just enjoyed the ambiance.
Tonight is my little brothers Annual Christmas Eve party one day early. I get to shower and put on real clothes again and I am excited. Have lived in sweats for two weeks. Always good food and good friends! I heard my dad helped cut out sugar cookies and iced them for tonight too. I was helping mom with wash and a quick trip to the doctor. She has pulled her back pretty bad and we need her moving a bit better for the holiday.
The holidays are full of the season of love and great expectations. Look to the Light and allow it to fill your life.
It only takes a spark to get a fire going, Pass it on,
“They set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was.”—Matthew 2:9