Dallas at Sunset ~ Fauvistic Landscape by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 inches Oil on Canvas
Contemporary Commissions for your home!
24 x 36 inches Oil on Canvas
Contemporary Commissions for your home!

I am sitting at my computer surrounded by boxes. Walls of boxes. The best part is we are here. The worst part is we are in a jumbled mess. This painting was a commission piece I did for an NBC Producer this summer for her home in Dallas. She wanted White Rock Lake and the Dallas Sky line... painted in July this year.
I have an issue when folks simply cannot do their job. With this move and this mess I have experienced ONLY this. I know God is laughing his sides off in heaven.
Now the floor men have an excuse. We hired them late to get the mahagony wood floors left. It was suppose to be done in two days. We are on day five this afternoon.
The master bedroom we asked Terry's uncle to paint for us so I could have ONE settled unpacked room and this is day four today and he hasn't started yet. He has been busy all over the house caulking and scraping but not painting the bedroom. BOTH Terry and I have told him at least ten times, PLEASE paint the master bedroom. We handed him the paint too. I cannot unpack the bedroom until it is painted. ALL the bedroom boxes are in my studio. I cannot paint in my studio until I move the boxes and they cannot move until the room is painted. If I do not have studio space, I cannot paint, and if I cannot paint we cannot pay bills.
Next is Shelton Water that went to Justin to collect our house water filter system to bring it into Dallas to install it. Yep, they picked it up, but NOPE they did not make it here to install it. No available water to drink now. I have two small bottles left, a bottle of apple juice and six bottles of wine.
Phone/internet, cable. That is Time Warner and they came on Friday and were here for six hours. Yes I have internet, but not secured. No I do not have phone nor did they say when they would fix that....and cable I have no idea since I do not know where the TV's are.
Then we hit the movers. They were due at our home at eight yesterday morning...they arrived at twelve thirty. It was twelve thirty last night by the time they finished. They began with four men but after one trip two complained and had to be taken across town over an hour to be take back to the main hub. Then the remaining two drove out to Justin to get the last stuff they could not get on the truck. One of the last two tired out and complained and again the leftover crew chief and driver had to return back across south of town to the hub a second time before bringing my last delivery here near midnight last night.
We will wait upon the Lord.
So we got about three hours sleep last night before I sent Terry off to work. I am drifting in and out of consciousness. BUT will drag an easel in here as soon as my blog is done. There have been so many funny moments in this move I wish I had the energy to share them. I will take pictures when I unearth the camera.
This is the second Sunday in Advent. In celebration of the coming of the celebration of the birth of Christ I leave you with the thought of preparing the way for Christmas. If the Queen of England were going to visit your home...what would you do in preparation? Now what do you do to prepare for the celebration of the birth of our Lord. John the Baptist was a key to preparing the way for Jesus. "prepare the way of the Lord...make his paths straight"
Peace in Forgiveness, peace in the Spirit and Peace in a new life. Be prepared for His coming.
" In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the Desert of Judea and saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah:
"A voice of one calling in the desert, 'Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.' " Matthew 3:1-3