18 x 36 inches, Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for pricing.

By Diane Whitehead ART OUT WEST
Here are the rules: 1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog. 2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. 3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. 4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
Some fun facts about me
1. I am from a family of three children, I am the only girl, middle child! Originally I hail from St Louis but most of my adult life has been spent in Texas.
2. I graduated with a degree in commercial art, worked 9 years in an advertising agency and taught art for several years before becoming a full time artist.
3. I love to paint, play my guitar, my piano, read and do Cross Stitch.
4. I own my own company, Graphics One Design, dba and have taught art, guitar and piano as In Perspective Studio since 1982.
5. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we live in the area in Dallas we grew up in, Lake Highlands.
I would like to tag these artists
K. Madison MooreGood morning from Dallas! It was brrr cold yesterday with Rain. I spent the morning with my mom with a stop at the Doc's, the store and then a fast lunch. Hoping to get her mended quickly and back on her feet again. This has been a rough winter for her already. Dad has a cold on top of it all, so keep them in prayer.
The above painting was done with a rag pull on canvas with my oil paints. This is my second rag pull painting. The first one sold on Daily Painters the day I posted it. I hope to do a third one this morning. Not sure of subject matter as of yet.
Wow, the holidays here have been so full. Highlights are difficult to choose from because it was all full of light and love and joy. We had more Christmas last night as Jonathan, our grandson came for dinner and gift exchange. He is such a joy to have in our home. We feasted on spiral ham from Whole foods, sweet potatoes, fresh tossed salad and steamed broccoli. Too full for dessert after all that. These memories will carry much joy and added pounds into the new year. Time to start the diet.
Billie flies home to NY today. BACK to the land of ice and snow. She cracked me up visiting as she walked around barefoot when it was 45 degrees outside. She loved Texas temperatures.... she swims when it is in the fifties in NY in the lake near her home. I would die even thinking about it. My blood is way thin after living in the south most of my life. I will cherish out time together along with my blue crocks I wear 24-7 now. Yes, she brought crocks into my life. I promised to take Jonathan to get a pair too!
What did Christmas bring into your life? My bounty is so deep I could not even begin to share it...the forever memories and moments, the laughter and the love....God is good. Take the joy into the new year.
“Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.”—Proverbs 16:24