JAMBO ~ Abstract Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
30 x 30 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
30 x 30 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Jambo is a Canadian horse. I could tell from the pictures he has an attitude, but it seems to me although he is assertive in his mannerisms, he is loving and kind on the flip side. He is a powerful playful horse and I hope I captured it. His owner is as adventurous as his horse and I think they must be well matched. Had it not been Thanksgiving time and me in a move, I might have flown up to meet this horse before painting him.
Yes we ate much yesterday at Stacey's. She and Larry out did themselves and Morgan and Hillary helped in food prep arriving early in the morning. By the time I arrived everything was completed but Larry's roasted vegetables. Stacey made pies pies pies...yum. There were 16 of us there yesterday. Tom brought his contribution of bacon wrapped goodies that disappeared with in minutes of his arrival. In the midst of celebration Stacey tried, but failed to win me over to the idea of getting up at three this morning to go shop. Tempting as it was to feel young again and go do that, I said no. Instead I was up at four with a major headache!
With the celebration of Thanksgiving now behind us, we face the fast moving weeks that fly by till Christmas. I am already savoring these days because they are my favorite time of the year to view most folks in a better mood. Too bad they can't realize they can have this same mood year round by just applying the joy of the season daily instead of this one month a year. Divine Order is provided by God in our lives. We have this human flaw of trying to control everything, often throwing divine order into chaos. Chaos brings on dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Don't make it so hard in life. Let go and Let God bring in his Divine Order to your life and don't sweat the details. He will right he wrong, sooth the pain, and light the way.
“And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.”—2 Corinthians 9:8