Golden Red ~ Abstract Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 36 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home
Contact me for prices and commission art work.
Laurie Pace
18 x 36 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home
Contact me for prices and commission art work.
Laurie Pace

A knifed painting with much action for attention and energy in the room! Thick creamy oils applied with the palette knife always brings interesting compositions!
Well, we closed on both houses yesterday. BUT we do not move for 10 days. It is the count down. I snapped a few more pictures when we were there on Monday. I hope you enjoy them. THIS is the furniture of the old owner...mine is not there yet....give me the 10 days please!
This is the loft in the Master bedroom. Terry told me he wanted to close it in for a
cedar closet but I say no because of the light that would be
lost coming in the windows in the loft.
cedar closet but I say no because of the light that would be
lost coming in the windows in the loft.

This is standing in the entry hall looking south into the living room and dining room. The
glass doors on the left open up to the enclosed garden room. It is heated and
cooled. I will have an occasional easel in this garden room.

top of the cabinet has tiny tile in designs using red, yellow, blue and white
but the last owner painted it all turquoise. Terry says we can remove the
turquoise paint to restore the old tile.

This is where I will put the larger part of the studio.

Well, I am off to paint. I have two new commission pieces. One has to be done by Friday to dry. The collector has a Christmas party and wants the new piece in by then. The other is a young mom from Georgia that saw my work on Daily Painters and she wants a painting of her young daughter with one of their horses. She saw the other painting, Precious Moments, and send me her family shot wanting to surprise her husband for Christmas. I will be working on that today.
Daily Word talks about MOVING in the right direction today. I pray that might be a good sign for us as we undertake this move. It is an increase in financial output with the repairs ahead of us, so in faith we are stepping out. In life we must prepare for the blessings to come. The Lord wants to give us our hearts desire. I think sometimes we just don't know truly what that is. Your dreams can become realities. Take the first step and believe.
In His Light,
“Rise up, walk through the length and the breadth of the land, for I will give it to you.”—Genesis 13:17