The Gathering Two
24 x 36 inches
24 x 36 inches

This was the first painting I did last year in my Gathering Series last year. I will be working on a new one this week. I am unable to post a NEW painting today as I am on laptop and not my big computer.
I will encourage you today to have a joy filled heart no matter what is happening around you. The Lord provides JOY to us totally FREE!@!! No strings attached, only an attitude adjustment is needed. When Terry and I got married I used the idea of the attitude adjustment. In my art classes I had a large sun hat decorated with little tassels and soft balls fringing off the edges...bright flowers attached, feathers etc. If a student was stumped or uncreative they could opt to wear the hat. You would be amazed at how fast they lightened their day and their direction often producing some of their best artwork. Well, with Terry I didn't wear a hat, but someone had given me a beautiful black nightgown at a shower before our wedding. I saved it as my attitude adjustment. No arguing allowed or disagreements or anything allowed if I had that on. It worked well in early the hat might work!
(I hope you are laughing) Bottom line...adjust your attitude today and be filled with JOY!
In His Light and His Love,
“How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy that we feel before our God because of you?”—1 Thessalonians 3:9