Canadian Summer ~ Abstract Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
30 x 40 x 2 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
30 x 40 x 2 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

You might think you are seeing double. I did a similar piece about three weeks ago called Waterside. It was 30 x 30 inches. This collector saw it and wanted a large version for his restaurant in Canada. I finished it last night and took pics before I headed to bed. I have not even sent him the pics yet!
It is Saturday after Thanksgiving. I am still praying, painting, posting, packing and preparing. The Five P's you might say. Last night I packed up 2/3rds of the clothes in my closet and I can actually walk into it and find things. I heard from the decorator Gallery owner of the SR Gallery in Hong Kong. They are doing a feature article on my artwork for their winter news magazine....everything there is so clean, neat, uncomplicated and simple. I sent her pics of the new house and begged for suggestions. I must simplify. Here in the United States we complicate our lives more than any other country. We have so much stuff. With all that stuff comes a complicated stressed out life.
SIMPLIFY. Harder than it sounds. I gave myself a FREE SPACE not to throw out "Stuff" from my studio. I will weed through it as we arrive and I see my working space better. But the rest...I am giving away and throwing away more stuff with this move. I did a bunch when we downsized to 1800 sq feet from the 3400 sq feet. Now we are exploding back into 2700 sq feet, and I will be able to get things out of storage that I have not seen in over a year.
I know in the bible they tell of giving away your earthly goods to make your way for the Lord. We really don't need all the stuff we have, do we? Perhaps this is a good time of the year for you to begin cleaning out BEFORE Christmas and donate those things to make a better Christmas for those that have no STUFF. Mull that one over and then get busy. If you have not worn it in a year, donate it. If you have not used it in a year, donate it. Why accumulate so much stuff? Why is it important in your life? Here I sit with an incredible amount of china and STUFF and none of my children want any of it. Some went to live with Terry's cousins, some went to my youngest son. As we get older our priorities change, and treasures are not treasures any more. The truest treasure is the Father and we don't really need the STUFF to be with him. He only wants our hearts, our love and our belief in Him.
So I challenge you to prioritize some of your treasures and keep only what is dear to your heart.
In His Light,
“See, the whole land is before you; go wherever you think it good and right to go.”—Jeremiah 40:4