Mini Peonies ~ Flowers in Art by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 18 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home
18 x 18 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home

This is a small version of a larger painting I did this summer. I had to do a commission piece similar and I did this as a warm up to get into the right rhythm for the curls!
Rhythm seems to be the key word here. Last night I woke to a rumble vibration deep in the earth. I have never felt anything like it before. At first I thought it was a train on the nearby track rumbling, but it was not. This was deeper in the earth and I could feel it just like you would a deep bass note taking over the foundation, the floor, the furniture etc. It ended and I began to relax and it hit again. I knew then I was not dreaming. I have NO idea what it was. I asked Terry this morning if it could have been the impact testing they do with all the gas wells out here in the country...he was not sure, but I know that the sound waves were strong and relentless.
Life seems to be that way. Just when you are catching on to the season or the rhythm of things in your life things change. That is the second thing you can count on in life. The first is God's love and the second is Change. Things do not get better or worse, they just change. It is how we react to the change that determines better or worse. Think about it, as humans what is the worse thing that could happen...death? As a Christian is this bad? Some one once ask me what do you fear the most...and my reply was that I would not finish seeing, doing, living and enjoying this life. There are so many people to meet and share with, lives to intertwine with, music to listen to, sunsets and sunrises to watch, trees to grow, children's laughter, etc
The rhythm of life...good and bad continues on whether we are here or not. It is our responsibility to make the best of this life and to use all the gifts the Lord has provided.
There are new things on the horizon for me and for you...changes, you can count on it.
Okay, Daily Word is right on my subject again! With Christ's presence you are never limited!
“And all ate and were filled; and they took up what was left over of the broken pieces, twelve baskets full.”—Matthew 14:20