Colors of Central Park, New York ~ Fall Landscape Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 27 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home
18 x 27 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Art for the Home

Sunday dawns with my injured Paddy at my feet. He has an injured front paw. We searched it thoroughly last night with a flash light and he was not a happy camper as we explored the area looking for what might have induced his limp. He is slightly better this morning but still dismal and depressed with out Miss Annie here. She returned today from her weekend "SPA" visit to my son's house. She was there to help my grand dog Jena learn manners, but she was treated to a bubble bath, drying and brushing. I think maybe she got her toenails painted. Pretty fancy for an old country grandmother dog!
This painting sold this week and was a joy to paint as I celebrate the colors of fall. Again choosing from my most favorite area, New York Central Park. It is painted with a wide brush stroke and added clumps of color for definition.
Yesterday was filled with sunshine and a busy day. From early breakfast with my daughter and some Christmas shopping to meeting my son and his girlfriend to furniture shop. Terry and I made it home about four thirty and enjoyed our evening together. It was time well spent and a day blessed with thanks through out as I tried out my MEDITATING MOMENTS. Did you do yours?
Today I will be working on some floral paintings and still lifes. I have several commission pieces I need to sketch out as well so I can work on them part time next week. May God's grace light your day and fill your life with His glory.
"However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.
The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God." 1 Corinthians 2:9-10