CHILD IN GARDEN ~ Impressionism by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 18 inches
Oil on Canvas
24 x 18 inches
Oil on Canvas

Well I struggled this morning to post this to a second blog I am apart of and somehow my sweet painting of this child kept attaching and blending with a pop art pair of breasts with red hair. After five attempts I gave up. Sort of like sleeping last night. Terry and I worked late and had a late dinner in Ponder. We came home and watched a movie and then turned off the TV to sleep. I was praying and meditating just falling off to sleep and the trains began piling through the city. For almost two straight hours there was no going to sleep. The whistles were none stop. I feel asleep about two and slept till six this morning, so I will drag all day.
This painting was a joy to paint and explore the face of the child and the light on the dress. I hope you enjoy it!
Today I will have to really concentrate on finding joy in the day to stay awake. I wish you the joy and light of the Lord in your day too!
“Honor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his place.”—1 Chronicles 16:27