Call of Morning ~ Equine Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 x 2 inches
Oil on Deep Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Art for your Home
8 x 10 x 2 inches
Oil on Deep Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Art for your Home

I am sitting here Monday morning, early... it is five a.m. I jumped out of bed to get the dogs out and feed before the storm hits in the next thirty minutes...thought to get my blog out too. I will then shut it all down and either crawl back into bed or start painting. I added a place in the top right corner of my blog that you can sign up with your email and be contacted with my postings.
Terry finished all the boxing last night YEAH! Nothing like getting the work out of the way quickly! Morgan and Hillary were over yesterday to paint. He posted a new nude and some gerbera daisies and later this week a fantastic nude will go up for sale on ebay. He is unemployed right now and painting.
Have you ever come across DETOUR signs when you were out on errands? It is not too bad if you are in familiar territory and you grumbled a bit about going out of the way...but when you are on a trip in a place you know NOTHING about and that DETOUR sign comes up it sets your mind into motion and emotion because you are being directed off the beaten path, the highway that you carefully plotted on your computer before you left home to drive across country. Suddenly you are at the mercy of the signs. You go from one street to the next, not knowing what is ahead, but trusting in those orange signs with black arrows. Isn't that what life is though? You can make plans all day long or for months or years and I can promise you the moment you begin to follow those plans God will throw up a detour. I can hear your grumbles now...NO, this is not according to plan. What you need to see is God's signs that he is posting along the way, and to hear his voice in your heart, gentle reminding you that he is detouring you for a reason. Your life affects so many people everyday and he may need you to detour a totally different direction in order to "touch" a new person. It might even be someone you never see but one time in your life, but their need caused your life to take a huge detour from what you had planned. Remember in your detours today and tomorrow, enjoy the journey. Praise the Lord for His Wisdom in planning the routes in our lives.
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“I will thank you forever, because of what you have done. In the presence of the faithful I will proclaim your name, for it is good.”—Psalm 52:9