Back in the saddle!~ Today I will be answering emails and revamping my schedule. I have several commission pieces to get out that are dry and several to begin as well.
This horse was painted just before we left on vacation. He is nice and dry now and ready for a home. If you are interested click the link above and visit my auction on eBay. I felt so bad letting the Daily Painters down last week. I usually post 6 out of 7 days, and I think I was only able to post three days with the travel into the mountains and limited internet access.
Lunch today with my neighborhood women and I get to catch up on everyone's lives. I am not keen on the "WHERE" in town, but I can eat later! I may think about doing a website for the women so we can keep up with each other and prayer needs etc.
More to come and after nine hours of sleep I am ready to face the day. I want you to know that this day is full of potential for your own personal transformation. Be aware of the indwelling Christ and seek him in all you do.
“Listen to me, you that pursue righteousness, you that seek the Lord. Look to the rock from which you were hewn.”—Isaiah 51:1