Out of the Night
24 X 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
24 X 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

Good Saturday Morning. I do not know if I posted this painting or not, but here it is again if I did. I am in Dallas. Spent the night at my mom's house...Terry and I both did. His dad is doing fine. He should be released from the hospital this morning. Meanwhile Terry has much moving of stuff to do today. Me, I am waiting here at mom's for Jonathan's special delivery birthday present. Jonathan is our 10 year old grandson. He was born 10 years ago today. He should be coming over to swim at my mother's house this afternoon and tomorrow Terry and I are hosting his 10th birthday party in Justin where all his Justin friends can come and celebrate with him.
Terry ordered him a DARTH MAUL double ended lightsaber from eBay. The awesome seller in Beverly Hills is overnighting the sword to my moms! He has been one of the most cooperative sellers on eBay!
Peaceful interlude...hummm I always called it Plateau-ing. Can I rest on a plateau just for a while to gather strength? Peaceful interlude...God provides in our life for us, but often we are so busy being busy controlling things we miss the peaceful interlude. I have a friend up north near Detroit. She recently had eye surgery on her eyes, not at the same time though. She is stil having difficulties with seeing and reading and driving. This is extremely frustrating but she has chosen to look at it differently. It is a peaceful interlude for her. God is giving her time and she must use it to restore herself. She is such a blessed friend to share her views in the midst of this chaos in her life. For most folks, this would be a huge problem and frustration. She remains firm in her walk that it is what it is and it is part of her journey. It is her peaceful interlude.
“You who live in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust.’”—Psalm 91:1-2