WE ARE HOME! I am reposting this painting because it is on eBay and has no bids. It is truly a beautiful painting and I am hoping to find a new home for it! If not, it will hang here until the right one comes available.
We returned early from Breckenridge. I spent part of yesterday morning in the ER with Altitude Sickness...I had gotten worse and suddenly I was totally disoriented. Thank goodness for Terry and our friends, Arlo and Jan from Arizona. They bundled me right to the ER and after checking me out I was on oxygen for about three hours as we- oops as THEY packed to descend the mountainous terrain. WOW. We missed out on our last afternoon and night together. We had not seen these wonderful friends in almost ten years. Jan has always been like my older sister and Arlo, gee, he is an original~! He and Terry could talk airplanes all day. (Arlo was in the airforce...) Jan and I, well we talk about EVERYTHING! I even got her watercoloring with our glasses of wine. Pictures of this will follow after she shares them from her camera! I miss them tremendously....and ya know, only with the best of friends can you get sick like that and not feel like you let folks down. We will make a trip to see them in Arizona next!
Terry and I shot out of Breckenridge after two thirty yesterday, traveling down HWY 9 over Hoosier Pass....OH MY GOSH...was it high. We stayed at high altitude until we left Colorado. Unfortunately the worst part was from Hoosier Pass we headed down 9 on a two lane (NO SHOULDER ROAD) and could I add NO BATHROOM road as well. By the time we hit HWY 50 (remember you drink three times the water on the mountain and with alt problems even more) I was crying. It had been almost two hours of no where to stop...even to pull over. We literally stumbled into a ROCK SHOP on Hwy 50 called THE GOLD MINE ROCK SHOP www.goldminerockshop.com and I waited patiently as Denise Tezak was wrapping up precious gifts for the person at the counter. She took one look at me after that as I held out my arm with my hospital tags on it and tears in my eyes...and said "BATHROOM???" They had no public bathroom but she took me immediately to their personal back area. She was a God-Send to me. On the way out I picked up a beautiful rubbing stone, amethyst, and a pretty box for my neighbor that helped with the dogs. I also promised Denise a Calla Lily painting so you can be watching for this on my blog next week.
We traveled almost 10 hours arriving at Amarillo just around midnight. We stayed at the ASHMORE Suites. This place was nicer both times we stayed than the Adams Mark was in Denver. We had left our pillows at the Ashmore when we went thru last Wednesday night....when we arrived at midnight last night and got to our room, they had placed the two pillows and my prayers shawl (That my mother made) on the bed. I burst into tears...another Angel sent from above.
We arrived home in Justin about two thirty this afternoon and I am so happy to be home and breathing! It will take a few days to catch up.... meanwhile I will start painting again and be posting daily.
Thanks for your emails and comments on the road. I now have a new Mac laptop to keep up with it all. Each time I breath, I breath in the spirit of God....and give thanks for his love and bounty.
Grace, Laurie
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”—Romans 12:2