Central Park Statue
18 x 27 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
18 x 27 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

Have you ever lived a day with out electricity when it is 104 degrees outside? We survived and it was after eleven last night when we finally got power on. NOT FUN. I only worked on one piece yesterday and could not do anything else with the computer of course.
This painting is restful and simple in composition. I finished this one before our trip. Terry walked in yesterday and had not seen it before we left. He stood in front of it for about five minutes and turned to me and said, "THAT'S COOL". High praise from my hubby.yes
We did take 12 paintings in to Fed ex out and will do another today and hopefully head into Whole Foods to shop. There is no food. It is God's work that we did not shop yesterday or the day before because wtih 12 hours of no power I am pretty positive everything is toast in the refrigerator. Email me if you think otherwise!
We had a marvelous morning yesterday with a contractor, Micheal Storm from Quality Construction. A believer and a strong witness for our Lord. We (Terry, Myself and Michael) talked home issues with additions for about an hour and two more hours sharing and praying. Time seem to fly by and it would when you are enjoying such companionship. He related that prices for building will be climbing over 9-10 percent in the next month. Interest rates are bouncing, but our Loan officer/realtor phoned yesterday and we can lock at 6.5 which is better than we have now. We will be adding 1100 sq feet of STUDIO and teaching area....can you imagine?? PLUS another 12 x 20 area that I will actually use as classroom in the large 30 x 40 garage we are building. I am too afraid to get excited that it won't happen. You know the old adage, wanna hear God laugh? Make a plan.
Meanwhile I reflect on Daily Word today, to have harmony with in yourself as well as with in your life. It fits with so much with our visit with Michael yesterday. He is an associate pastor at Kenneth Copeland Ministries. A fine man...never spoke one negative word over three hours. He was the perfect example of harmony in life in action.
“Live in harmony with one another.”—Romans 12:16