30 x 40 inches
THICK RICH Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
30 x 40 inches
THICK RICH Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

I have not done a painted pony horizon pull in almost two months, so you have the return. Always a symphony to paint with color and love and great music in the background. I was listening to ANTJE DUVEKOT. Click here.
SHE is fabulous.... I do not know what original site I was on but it allowed you to listen to her music and songs before buying and I bought two CD"s of her and two of Ellis Paul. Actually I just checked on her site and you can listen to some of her songs...GO do it! ANNA is about her grandmother that has Alzeheimers. She talks on the CD about her grandmother and says she wrote the song about her grandmother, but her name was not ANNA, it was Gadda, but Gadda didn't rhyme so she had to use Anna, and then she says, and her grandmother did not live in New Orleans, she was from Gladivitz (I know I massacred that spelling) but she couldn't rhyme that one either, but the rest of the story is true! Listen to it. It is actually playing right now while I am typing.
Yesterday we spent the day in Dallas, I had a full warm wonderful morning with my parents. I made breakfast and ate with them. Terry was at the doctor with his dad having heart stress tests. After Breakfast Mom and I went to STUDIO ARTS in Dallas and took a Water Color lesson together from Anne Nouville. I want to expand more with mom with various teachers to give her the opportunity to learn more. The Studio Arts learning center was extremely well put together. I am hoping to have something similar to teach out of... At noon we all went to lunch and had a pleasant time eating and visiting. It was wonderful too. I had pancakes for lunch as did brother Bill, mom had turkey, Dad and Terry's Dad BEN had chicken fried steak and Terry had chopped beef smothered in gravy and onions. The afternoon found me visiting with Barbie, an old high school friend in from Salt Lake City. She is coming out to the studio tomorrow to visit all day!
Harmonize with someone today. Do something for the good of someone else or for a situation.
“Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.”—Romans 14:19