Morning Reflections
18 x 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
18 x 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

I am waiting for the insurance man for the car to come back by and look at the repairs.
This painting was completed this past weekend...I think on Sunday. It makes me hungry to look at it, thinking of summer and the blue skies and then all the colors you see in fresh fruits! I know I am artist and my brain functions at a different level!
Yesterday I traveled with my daughter and her husband to my mothers to continue unpacking all the stuff she packed up for the floors to be installed. She is doing a good job weeding out the unnecessary in life. It seems we are all guilty of collecting physically as well as mentally. Just as we must relearn to let go and let GOD in our lives concerning worries and situations, we must also learn to LET GO of so much of the physical life we collect. Memories are good and things to remind us of special times are good, but too many can really begin to bog down your life with clutter. I know with our last move I have thrown away, given away, donated away 1/3 of my stuff...and if we move again another 1/3 will go.
Believe in yourself and the good within and reach for your goals knowing the Lord walks with you and unbelievable can be the believable if you have faith.
“So with yourselves; since you are eager for spiritual gifts, strive to excel in them for building up the church.”—1 Corinthians 14:12