Light of the Paints
22 X 28 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
A Hand signed and embellished giclee is me!
22 X 28 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
A Hand signed and embellished giclee is me!

This is the larger painting I did from the study painting of the single painted pony. Still feel there are areas I would do differently. I have been corresponding with Don Barnes ( CLICK HERE FOR HIS WEBSITE) and his emails area pushing me more toward painting smaller...while I think I am pushing him larger! My hang up is color, gee can you tell. Color is a passion with me and I cannot seem to help it! Color seems to carry vibrations and energy and I want that in my paintings.
I am up rather early, Terry is sound asleep...I was awaken by the train this morning, or should I say TRAINS! My mind kept churning and thinking preparing for the canvas, so I gave up and got up! No phone ringing, no dogs under my feet....I can just paint with out interruption.
Are you taking the time to take care of yourself and your needs? Remember God created you too...and you are precious to Him. As a woman, I know we are caretakers, often neglecting ourselves. My mom always told me, God First...yourself next. She reasoned you have to be fit and balanced to love and take care of the others in your life. (Of course not to the point of self love.) Moderation in everything, but somehow, watching my mother's life right now and my own, she and I have strayed from doing this. What are you doing to nourish yourself today?
“Accept that which is good.”—Hosea 14:2