Light of the Paint
8 x 10 x 2 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
8 x 10 x 2 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

This is a trial painting of one I will do larger. I want to establish the colors I use as well as the setting of the horse on the surface. From these studies I can see what I have to work with. I am debating a larger scene with another horse to the left. Will be sketching out the ideas later today after working with MR PRINTER. Mega thanks to Peter Togel for helping me with this monster. It is printing but I think we are running on a cable that is too long. Too complicated to explain, but I have to pack up my dining room to move my computer in to where the printer is, it is HUGE and cannot make it around the corners to get to the room I paint and work in.
Yesterday I painted all day...the sun was out and Brendan came to mow. It will be sunny again today and hot, which is what is normal for July. This next week is Mom's birthday and Terry's birthday. After that is Conni Tögel's and Lanie's birthday. it Mary Joe's too? My brain is still scrambled.
Dream and reach for what you in faith believes belongs in your life. Your faith is the determining factor to finding contentment. NOT contentment necessarily in reaching that dream, but having the faith to believe good is there for you. GOD is there for you. Unity Daily Word says :
Uniting my imagination and faith, I soar creatively and abundantly.
Whether I am taking a trip to the local market or working on a complex project, my faculty of imagination helps me plan.
And with my imagination inspired by Spirit, I am free to soar creatively and abundantly. I move forward while making the best use of my time and resources.
I unite my imagination with my faith, envisioning prosperity, health, and peace. Leaving the specific details and outcomes to Spirit, I accept abundance, wholeness, wisdom, and serenity.
Through the power of imagining, I perceive new possibilities for harmony and cooperation within my family, workplace, community, and in the world. By actively imagining goodwill among all people, I take the first step in making it a reality.
“If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.”—Matthew 17:20