24 x 24 inches
Oil no Gallery Wrap Canvas
A Painting A Day
24 x 24 inches
Oil no Gallery Wrap Canvas
A Painting A Day

Gorgeous brilliant roses are covering my rose bushes outside. Terry snapped a bundle off and put them in my favorite blue vase. (My dad had a bunch of blue vases in his history of sales eons ago with Phoenix Mutual...and I still have one!) THICK paint but this time I used a wide brush to paint. I was painting with my IPOD attached. The electricity was out again yesterday morning. STAY FLEXIBLE! Do not engage where stress is lurking to pull you in!
Today is painting and packing pictures for Wyoming. Amanda, here they come! LOL
Don't forget to visit to see my show in New York.
(I know there are not a lot of new ones due to the car accident we were in, but I gathered my best.)
“Truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it.”—Matthew 13:17